June 23, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

While we were in Madison for Jacob's first birthday we were able to celebrate Father's Day with my dad a day early. Ryan had seen these beverage stands in a Handyman Magazine and thought it would be fun to make some to sell. My mom said she would be his first customer and had one made for my dad. It turned out beautiful! What a crafty perfectionist.

Dad loved it, along with the weed whacker we gave him

Happy Father's Day Dad! Thanks for all you do! We love you!
On Sunday we got up early (that is just what our family does - not our first choice, but the kids seem to like getting up at the crack of dawn), went out to breakfast, came home and opened some presents as we walked the Brewers and enjoyed the sound of the rain. Brooklyn was a great help. All day she kept saying "Happy Father's Day" and "I love you Daddy!" What more could a father want to hear.

Happy Father's Day honey! You are the best Daddy ever! You work so hard and we appreciate all you do! We love you! Go Brewers! (Brooklyn and Emmett wanted to get their Daddy a personalized Brewer license plate that says "BAKHOF". See if you can figure that one out!?!

Brooklyn decided she better be nice to her brother on Father's Day, so she decided to get out all of his toys (one by one) and give them to him.

What a happy guy!

There's that tongue again

Brooklyn learned how to wink (kind of)

We spent time as a family just playing. That was my favorite part of the day.

Emmett can't get enough of Brooklyn's hand kisses.

Here are some pics of my most favorite people...

This one melts my heart and brings happy tears to my eyes every time I look at it!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers in the world! We hope you all had a very special day!

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