June 23, 2011

It's Potty Time

On June 13th, the Monday after school was out, Brooklyn started wearing undies all day, except nap and bedtime. We have been talking about it for weeks "When mommy is done with school, no more diapers, only undies" is what she would say. To be honest, I was quite nervous. She has been very interested and has gone potty numerous times before, so I knew it was time. I know there are a lot of different theories out there about the "best" way to potty train. This is the route we took. How is it going? Well, there were LOTS of potty accidents the first few days, a few #2 accidents, but now we are getting much better. Now she tends to dribble in her undies first, then she realizes that she has to go. "Mommy, I have to go potty" is what we hear and then we rush to the bathroom. We just have her sitting on the big toilet. She has a seat to cover it and a little potty that we are borrowing from some friends, but we are finding it much easier just to put her on the potty ourselves right now. We go through a lot of undies in a day, but are going to start putting them away. She likes to change them every time they get wet, but we are wondering if keeping wet undies on will help her realize she has to say she has to go before she goes in her undies. Icky, I know, but we are willing to try anything. She does get one M&M if she goes a lot of potty, which she loves. We are open for other suggestions from all of you who have tried this potty thing or are going through it right now.

We did tell Brooklyn that if she goes #2 in the potty she will get rewarded with ice cream. Sure enough at Jacob's first birthday party, she told me she had to go and after some crying (due to being so scared) it finally happened!!!!! She got to enjoy some ice cream with M&Ms on top! We haven't been able to celebrate like this since, but it was a good first time!

Let the adventure continue...

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