On July 24th Emmett turned 8 months old...already! This little man is a mover and a shaker. He is a very quick army crawler. He is not crawling on knees yet, but that is ok. He is doing a great job pulling himself up onto things, walking around things, and sitting up from a crawling position. He loves the music table and getting into everything Brooklyn is playing with. We have now dedicated the dining room as a place that Brooklyn can play without Emmett bothering her. She works so hard with her imaginative play and gets really upset when Emmett starts to come near her.
Emmett continues to laugh, smile, and love to put everything in his mouth.

He now has 4 teeth. His top two teeth popped through the same night - poor guy. He doesn't teethe very well. He has been a little fussy lately and chomping on everything. He also has been pulling on his ear for the last two weeks and has had a low grade fever. We did get his ears checked this past Monday, but they looked good. At the doctor appointment he weighed 18 pounds 10 oz. What a healthy little boy.

He likes to feel his new teeth on his tongue.

Mr. Adventure thinks he can crawl up the stairs. He has gotten up onto the first step, stops, and then climbs (or falls) down. I have to always keep my eyes on him.

He also loves cords and outlets

He just started doing "so big" and raising his hands in the air. I don't have a picture of that yet, but check back for his 9 month post.

He is saying "ma ma", "
da da", and "
ba ba".

We have started puffs and little bites of bananas. I am looking forward to introducing more "real food". I am still nursing twice a day and am planning to continue until 9 months (when school starts).
Life is sure busy with a 8 month old and a 2 year old, but we are trying to make the most out of the summer. Emmett does best when we stick to a routine. Nap times are crucial, even though he typically only sleeps an hour and a half at a time. I can't believe that in 4 short months, he will be a year old already! sniff, sniff
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