Emmett is 9 months old and a happy go lucky little boy.
His stats:
His stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 3 oz (50th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (45 percentile)
Head: 45.5 cm (60th percentile)
Emmett is a happy little boy with lots to say. He is definitely a boy when it comes to exploring and his movements. He isn't the best sleeper as he is still getting up once a night (typically). I think we have gotten into a bad habit of feeding him a little bottle after 10-15 minutes of crying. After his bottle, he falls right back asleep. We know it is not the best thing and we may pay for it later, but getting as much sleep as we can (now that school is starting) is a necessity for both of us!
Emmett is crawling everywhere. He army crawled for along time, but now he is a quick hand, knee crawler. He loves to dump thing, throw things, crawl onto and into things, pull himself up onto things and walk around things. I love his adventurous personality.
Emmett loves his solid food. He sure does make a mess.
Everything continues to go into his mouth. He loves paper!He is a giggler. Brooklyn was never a giggler, so we are eating it up. It is so fun to make him laugh.
This is what happens when you take something away from him. He is so sensitive and gets so mad.
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