August 8, 2011

Lewcock Cottage

On Saturday, July 30th we headed to Elkhart Lake to Dave and Danielle's family cottage. It was a lovely place and we had a great time hanging on on the pontoon and in the lake all afternoon. Brooklyn LOVED jumping of the pontoon and into the water. Ryan sat on the raft most of the afternoon and caught her. He would bring her to the back, she would climb up the stairs, and then do it all over again. I gave Ryan a break a took a turn, but on her second jump to me, I lost balance and fell into the lake. It scared me more than her. My main goal was to keep her afloat (even though she had a life jacket on). We made it work. I didn't last too long in the lake. I am NOT a lake swimmer, but was very proud of myself for doing it. After a day on the lake, we had a nice dinner, played a little and then put the kids to bed. Emmett only had two 30 minute naps, so he was exhausted by 5:30. We laid him down and he didn't wake up until 11:45, when I came to bed (he was in the same room as me). I nursed him and then he went back to sleep until 6:00 the next morning. B slept in her sleeping bag on a big bed and Ryan slept with her. We had a lovely time and left around 10:00 the next morning.

Poor Emmett had to wear a life jacket for awhile and this is all that fit him. I forgot his hat in my bag, so he wore Brooklyn's. Even with all the pink on, I still think he looks like a boy! Poor kid!

Driving the boat

The boys fishing off the dock

Checking out the dark clouds quickly rolling in - no rain, just a cool front that came through at the end of the day.

ahhhh...this is the life!

1 comment:

  1. I'm LOVING your blog updates...I think I might have to hire you to update my last 3 months!
