September 24, 2011

10 Months

Emmett is 10 months old and boy is his personality sure coming through. He is very "boy" whatever that means. He has always been into everything (much more than Brooklyn ever was) and he continues to do just that. He likes to throw things, tip things over, explore the toilet, eats EVERYTHING he can put his mouth on. He is a happy boy. He naps about an hour and a half twice a day still. He sleeps through the night most nights, unless he is teething (which seems to be quite often - so he is up at night a lot). We are letting him cry it out at night, which is very difficult. We turn on a fan in our room, close the door, and turn off the monitor (bad parents, I know). He can cry up to an hour - so sad. Some nights I give in and feed him, which he then goes right back to sleep. Still hoping that he sleeps through the night by the time he is 1. We will see.

Emmett loves playing "get you". We chase after him and say "I'm going to get you". He giggles and crawls or walks (holding onto something) away from you. It is so funny,

We are working on standing without holding onto anything. When he wants, he can stand for 5-10 seconds, but that is about it. He is too busy and wants to move too much. I thought he was going to be an early walker, but now I am just hoping that he will be walking around his first birthday.Emmett doesn't say much yet. He says "dada", "uh oh", "ooooohhhhhh", and "hi". I get an occasional "mama" but not very often. He hasn't gotten into the signing thing. We haven't done it with him as much as we did with Brooklyn. He sure does like to laugh and look at us with a mischievous giggles. He waves bye-bye and claps occasionally.

He loves to tackle Brooklyn. He loves to be right by her and "bug her" as she says. Brooklyn can be so cute with him. She says "no" to him and he starts to cry (it is kind of funny) and then she gives him a hug and says "It's ok Emmett.'
Emmett eats just about anything, but does not like to be fed via spoon. The only thing he will eat from us is yogurt. No more purred food. However, he does love the little smoothie veggie and fruit pouches. I love them as well. I am sure they had them when Brooklyn was little, but I didn't know about them. They are so convenient and a great way to get fruits and veggies.
He still has 6 teeth, but has been working on two more for awhile now. Poor guy. I hate the teething process.
He is walking with walkers and pushing things around on the hard wood floor. He likes to be mobile and is very active. He climbs the stairs really well and is now starting to go down them. He still needs guidance going down, but his little legs are learning how to push down. It is so fun watching him learn.

We love you Emmett!

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