June 20, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day Weekend this year we headed to Eau Claire. The weather could have been a little warmer, but we still had a nice time. Thanks for everything Nana and Papa!

Brooklyn helping Daddy and Papa put together a trampoline

The finished product. Brooklyn LOVED jumping in it.

It took some time getting used to it, but by the end of the weekend she was a pro.

Emmett worked hard on sitting up on his own.

Brooklyn and Estelle trying out the trampoline

Emmett even had a turn.

Brooklyn and Graham laughed so hard as they jumped together.

Here comes Papa with the boat.

This darn life jacket

Captain Brooklyn

Brooklyn loved playing with the remote control truck,

going for laps around Nana and Papas driveway,

and pulling anything and everything in the wagon. She was trying to figure out how to start up the boat

Graham loved fishing

Out for a little boat ride

Graham and Brooklyn playing her oreo cookie game.

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