June 20, 2011

Brewer Game

We went to our first Brewer game as a family on May 24th. We had first row bleacher seats right behind Ryan Braun and under Bernie the Brewer. We were seats 1 and 2, which made the perfect location for a two year old to "watch" the game. We were there early, ate a hot dog and subs inside Miller Park (a little too cool to tailgate), and was there for the first pitch (not sure if we have ever done that). We lasted 4 innings (until 8:30) which was our goal. Emmett was getting fussy, as it was past his bedtime. Brooklyn seemed to enjoy all the excitement and stimulation. Corey Hart hit a homerun in our section and we watch Bernie go down his slide and into the pool of water, which was splashed on us. It was a fun time. We would like to go at least one more time with the whole family this summer. Go Brewers Go!

Nothing beats a stadium hot dog

Looking up at Bernie Brewer

Brooklyn kept shouting, " Go Ryan Braun!"

Our family was famous during the game. FSN Wisconsin captured our family as they came back from commercial break. A friend of ours took a picture and sent it to our phone, but I don't know how to get it onto the computer. Fun times!

1 comment:

  1. So fun!!!!!
    I love that you made TV too....great looking family...of course you'd make t.v!
