June 23, 2011

Zoo Class

Brooklyn and I attended our first of three zoo classes this summer. We had a great time! It was so funny watching her become so shy around a teacher and others. Once she warmed up, she listened really well, participated, did what the teacher asked and had a great time. At the end of the day she said her favorite part of her day was feeding the goats. We are looking forward to our next class.

Of coarse she wanted to wear a dress for her first zoo class - not the outfit I would have chose, but she sure looked cute.

Finger painting and mixing colors

Making a zoo music book about the noises the animals at the zoo make.

Feeding the goats - what a brave little girl

It was so nice having mommy/daughter time together.

1 comment:

  1. Well, aren't you a busy blogger? :) I LOVE all the pictures. Emmett is getting so big, and what a gorgeous smile he has! Brooklyn is a big girl now - no more baby in her! I hope you're enjoying your summer; can't wait to see you in July!
