Our little man is 7 months old. I thought 6 months sounded old....wow, 7 months feels like he is that much closer to being a year old. I LOVE this age. Emmett is a very active little boy. He just can't wait to get going on life. I have a feeling he will always be a handful. He is such a smiley, giggly little man that brings joy to our every day.
He does pretty well at drinking water from a sippy cup. He needs some help lifting it up sometimes. He tends to spit the water out when he gets too much.
-Takes 2 naps (about 2 hours in the morning and about 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon) every day, except when we are out and about in the morning, his nap tends to be altered.
-Reaches and grabs things, switches hands when playing with toys, and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.
-He is sleeping through the night FINALLY (most nights). He tends to wake anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30. I usually nurse him and then try to put him back to sleep. He will usually sleep for another hour.
-He is sitting up in the bathtub for his baths and LOVES it.
-Babbles lots, smiles lots, and giggles lots.
-Ticklish under his chin (just like his big sister)
-Works best when we stick to a schedule
-Loves to be outside and eat grass....when will he learn that grass is not for eating? You would think after a few choking incidents he would learn.
-Loves to be outside and eat grass....when will he learn that grass is not for eating? You would think after a few choking incidents he would learn.
-Loves eating baby food. We have now tried green beans, peaches, apples, and pears, and avocado. He seems to love them all. I haven't gotten around to making baby food for him, which I am really disappointed with, but it is what it is. I guess it is never too late to start. I just need to find the time.
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