July 7, 2011

7 Months Old

Our little man is 7 months old. I thought 6 months sounded old....wow, 7 months feels like he is that much closer to being a year old. I LOVE this age. Emmett is a very active little boy. He just can't wait to get going on life. I have a feeling he will always be a handful. He is such a smiley, giggly little man that brings joy to our every day.

He does pretty well at drinking water from a sippy cup. He needs some help lifting it up sometimes. He tends to spit the water out when he gets too much.

He is looking so much older. I don't think he looks so "babyish" anymore.
He is starting to stand more and more propped up against things. He is still a little wobbly, but we are working on it. When he falls, he is starting to fall to a seated position, rather than falling flat on his head and back.

Emmett has one tooth on the bottom right. It looks like the top 2 teeth are going to beat the other bottom tooth, but who knows. He doesn't teethe well. He is constantly chomping on something (he loves blankets) and gets a low grade fever. He seems to be fussier the last week. Not sure if it is teeth or if he needs more food. I feel like I am at that point where he should be getting more to eat. My body isn't keeping up as much as I would like it to (any recommendations on how to produce more milk?) My plan is to keep nursing until the end of August and possibly longer just at night. I nursed Brooklyn for 9 months and wanted to do the same (if not longer) for Emmett.

We officially have an army crawler on our hands. Emmett gets up on his hands and knees and can make progress. His main progress is on his belly with his arms. The other day he crawled from the family room to the dining room window, which was HUGE for him. It is so fun to watch him get to where he wants to go. He is definitely a mover and a shaker. Now it is time to make sure I have everything baby proofed. I feel like he will be one to get into things (Brooklyn didn't do that as much as I anticipated).

Other fun things about our 7 month old:

-Takes 2 naps (about 2 hours in the morning and about 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon) every day, except when we are out and about in the morning, his nap tends to be altered.

-Reaches and grabs things, switches hands when playing with toys, and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.

-He is sleeping through the night FINALLY (most nights). He tends to wake anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30. I usually nurse him and then try to put him back to sleep. He will usually sleep for another hour.

-He is sitting up in the bathtub for his baths and LOVES it.

-Babbles lots, smiles lots, and giggles lots.

-Ticklish under his chin (just like his big sister)

-Works best when we stick to a schedule
-Loves to be outside and eat grass....when will he learn that grass is not for eating? You would think after a few choking incidents he would learn.

-Loves eating baby food. We have now tried green beans, peaches, apples, and pears, and avocado. He seems to love them all. I haven't gotten around to making baby food for him, which I am really disappointed with, but it is what it is. I guess it is never too late to start. I just need to find the time.

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