July 7, 2011

Date Night at the Brewer Game

On Friday, June 24th our friends Sarah and Ken were in town and got us some great tickets to the Brewer game. That same night Sarah's family had tickets to a suite at the Brewer game, so we got to enjoy the best of both worlds.

We had Kayla our babysitter come over that night. I was a little nervous because she had to feed both kids dinner and put both to bed. Some nights it takes both Ryan and I to make it work. Kayla texted us at 7:30 and let us know that both kids were in bed and sleeping. Whew! We were able to enjoy the rest of the night without thinking too much of the kids.

A view from our seats down below. I don't think I have ever been that close! It was AWESOME!

The view from the suite

Sydney was at the game with Sarah's parents in the suite. It was fun to visit with her for a little.

Grandma Jane and Grandpa Ben (Sarah's Parents)

There's Brauny...

We celebrated a Brewer win with a beverage at Mo's Irish Pub after the game. A fun night with great friends!

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